In 2012 a formerly unknown type of cell death was described.
This event called ferroptosis is a controlled cell death that does not have the same milestones as apoptosis or necroptosis. Ferroptosis results from iron-dependent lipid peroxide accumulation and it is regulated by multiple cellular metabolic pathways. This monthly focus highlights Cayman’s assets to study ferroptosis.
Article about Ferroptosis
Detecting a new form of cell death to learn more about inducers and pathways to ferroptosis
Poster on Ferroptosis
This poster summarizes the current understanding of this cell death process with a focus on the various metabolic processes involved.
Cayman’s research reagents to study Ferroptosis
Key inducers and inhibitors, assays dedicated to glutathione and glutathione peroxidase, oxidized lipid standards and lipid peroxidation assays and probes.