Ramipril Diketopiperazine

Ramipril Diketopiperazine

CAT N°: 34917

From 122.00 103.70

Ramipril diketopiperazine is a potential impurity found in commercial preparations of ramipril.{58762}

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

  • Synonyms
    • (?S,3S,5aS,8aS,9aS)-decahydro-3-methyl-1,4-dioxo-?-(2-phenylethyl)-2H-cyclopenta[4,5]pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrazine-2-acetic acid, ethyl ester
  • Correlated keywords
    • Diketo-piperazine
  • Product Overview:
    Ramipril diketopiperazine is a potential impurity found in commercial preparations of ramipril.{58762}

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