NAD<sup>+</sup> (free acid)

NAD+ (free acid)

CAT N°: 16077

From 66.00 56.10

NAD+, known more formally as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, is a signaling molecule as well as a cofactor or substrate for many enzymes.{20368} It acts as an oxidizing agent, accepting electrons from other molecules while being converted to its reduced form, NADH (Item No. 16078).{20368} NAD+ is also essential for the activity of several enzymes, including poly(ADP)-ribose polymerases and cADP-ribose synthases.{20368} For example, it is used by some sirtuins to mediate protein deacetylation, producing O-acetyl-ADP-ribose and nicotinamide as well as the deacetylated protein.{16292}

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