MK-886 (sodium salt)

MK-886 (sodium salt)

CAT N°: 10133

From 48.00 40.80

Arachidonic acid (Item No. 90010) and selected other polyunsaturated fatty acids are stereoselectively oxygenated at carbon 5 by the non-heme iron containing enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO).{6777} The intervention of a second protein, 5-LO-activating protein (FLAP), is required before 5-LO can become catalytically active.{7937} MK-886 binds to FLAP with high-affinity and prevents 5-LO activation. MK-886 inhibits leukotriene biosynthesis in leukocytes with an IC50 of 2.5 nM.{2078} In human whole blood, leukotriene biosynthesis is inhibited by MK-886 with an IC50 of 1.1 µM.

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