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    LEAP-2 ELISA kit
  • LEAP-2 ELISA kit
Cat No: A05038
Assay Kits - Elisa
Bertin Bioreagent

The enzymatic immunoassay (ELISA) is based on the competition between unlabelled LEAP-2 and Biotin labelled LEAP-2 for limited specific rabbit anti-LEAP-antiserum sites.
The complex rabbit antiserum – LEAP-2 (free LEAP-2 or Labelled) binds to the mous...

: 96 wells

This product can not be purchased online. Please contact us

Territorial Availability: Available worldwide directly through Bertin or your local distributor
Technical Warning: Check the Additional Items Required section of this kit booklet to verify if UltraPure Water (Milli-Q or equivalent) is needed for this assay
  • LEAP-2 EIA kit
  • LEAP2 ELISA kit
Correlated keywords:
  • spi-bio
  • immunoassays
  • obesity
  • LEAP
  • Liver-expressed antimicrobial
  • peptides
  • Antimicrobial
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Product Overview:
The enzymatic immunoassay (ELISA) is based on the competition between unlabelled LEAP-2 and Biotin labelled LEAP-2 for limited specific rabbit anti-LEAP-antiserum sites.
The complex rabbit antiserum – LEAP-2 (free LEAP-2 or Labelled) binds to the mouse monoclonal anti-rabbit antibody coated in the well.
After the washing step, the complex binds to the mouse monoclonal anti-rabbit antibody is revealed by Streptavidine_AChE (Tracer).
Finally, Ellman’s reagent (enzymatic substrate for AChE® and chromogen) is added to the wells.
The AChE® tracer acts on the Ellman’s Reagent to form a yellow compound that strongly absorbs at 414 nm.
The intensity of the color, determined by spectrophotometry, is proportional to the amount of tracer bound to the well and is inversely proportional to the amount of free LEAP-2 present in the well during the immunological incubation.
Size 96 wells
Shipping wet ice
Application Media Plasma
Tracer Acetyl Cholinesterase AChE
Detection Limit Refer to technical booklet
Standard Curve Range 0,2 ng/mL 25 ng/mL
Custom Code 3822.00
UNSPSC code 41116104
