

CAT N°: 27883

From 66.00 56.10

Povidone-iodine is a microcide with broad-spectrum activity against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoans.{48293} It reduces total anaerobic and aerobic bacterial counts in vitro in dog feces when applied topically as a 10% solution.{48294} Povidone-iodine decreases bacterial counts and the occurrence of anastomotic leaks in a dog model of emergent resection and anastomosis of the sigmoid colon when applied in situ at a concentration of 10% v/v. Topical administration of povidone-iodine (10% v/v) also reduces bacterial counts on the skin of cynomolgus monkeys.{48295} Formulations containing povidone-iodine have been used to disinfect skin before and after surgery.

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