Pericosine A

Pericosine A

CAT N°: 29633

414.00 351.90

Pericosine A is a fungal metabolite that has been found in P. byssoides and has anticancer activity.{49631} It inhibits the growth of a variety of cancer cells, including breast, colon, lung, ovary, stomach, and prostate cell lines (GI50s = 0.05-24.55 µM) and increases survival in a P388 mouse xenograft model when administered at a dose of 25 mg/kg. Pericosine A inhibits EGFR by 40 to 70% when used at a concentration of 100 µg/ml. It also reacts with organosulfur compounds in skunk spray to form stable thioethers as odorless products.{49632}

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