γ-Linolenoyl Ethanolamide

γ-Linolenoyl Ethanolamide

CAT N°: 9001747

From 159.00 135.15

?-Linolenoyl ethanolamide is a member of the family of fatty N-acyl ethanolamines collectively called endocannabinoids.{1202,1712,13153,22439} The relative importance of this ethanolamine metabolite has yet to be determined.

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

  • Synonyms
    • N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-6Z,9Z,12Z-octadecatrienamide
  • Correlated keywords
    • N-?-linolenoylethanolaminelipids mediators fatty acids N-acyl ethanolamines anandamides AEAs NAE endocannabinoids neurotransmitters cannabinoids CBs metabolites
  • Product Overview:
    ?-Linolenoyl ethanolamide is a member of the family of fatty N-acyl ethanolamines collectively called endocannabinoids.{1202,1712,13153,22439} The relative importance of this ethanolamine metabolite has yet to be determined.

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