

CAT N°: 23952

48.00 40.80

?-Lindane is an organochloro insecticide that is an antagonist of GABAA receptors.{37358} It inhibits GABA-stimulated chloride uptake by membrane vesicles isolated from rat cerebral cortex (IC50 = 68 ?M). It binds selectively to insect GABAA receptors over mammalian GABAA receptors in membrane preparations (IC50s = 1, 12, 505, 833, and 150-1, 675 nM for fruit fly, house fly, human, mouse, and rat, respectively).{37359,37360} It binds to a human recombinant ?3 homooligomer with similar selectivity as ?1?3?2-containing receptors, indicating that the binding site for ?-lindane on GABAA receptors is located on the ?3 subunit (IC50s = 0.90, 21, and 306 nM for ?3, ?1?3?2, and the native receptor, respectively).{37361} ?-Lindane blocks GABA- and glutamate-induced current responses in American cockroach neurons (IC50s = 1.74 and 148 nM, respectively).{37362} It is toxic to mice and adult house flies (LD50s = 40 and 5.5 mg/kg, respectively) and also kills head lice in vitro and inhibits hatching.{37361,37363}

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

  • Synonyms
    • 1?,2?,3?,4?,5?,6?-hexachloro-cyclohexane
  • Correlated keywords
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  • Product Overview:
    ?-Lindane is an organochloro insecticide that is an antagonist of GABAA receptors.{37358} It inhibits GABA-stimulated chloride uptake by membrane vesicles isolated from rat cerebral cortex (IC50 = 68 ?M). It binds selectively to insect GABAA receptors over mammalian GABAA receptors in membrane preparations (IC50s = 1, 12, 505, 833, and 150-1, 675 nM for fruit fly, house fly, human, mouse, and rat, respectively).{37359,37360} It binds to a human recombinant ?3 homooligomer with similar selectivity as ?1?3?2-containing receptors, indicating that the binding site for ?-lindane on GABAA receptors is located on the ?3 subunit (IC50s = 0.90, 21, and 306 nM for ?3, ?1?3?2, and the native receptor, respectively).{37361} ?-Lindane blocks GABA- and glutamate-induced current responses in American cockroach neurons (IC50s = 1.74 and 148 nM, respectively).{37362} It is toxic to mice and adult house flies (LD50s = 40 and 5.5 mg/kg, respectively) and also kills head lice in vitro and inhibits hatching.{37361,37363}

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