JWH 073 2-<wbr/>hydroxyindole metabolite

JWH 073 2-hydroxyindole metabolite

CAT N°: 10633

JWH 073 2-hydroxyindole metabolite is a potential monohydroxylated urinary metabolite of JWH 073, a WIN 55,212-2 derivative that is a mildly selective agonist of the peripheral cannabinoid receptor.

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

Technical Warning: Bertin Technologies restricts the sale of this product to licensed controlled substance laboratories and qualified academic research institutions. Please contact us for further details.

Special Advice: Please check regulation status before ordering; additionel fees can apply.

  • Synonyms
    • (1-butyl-2-hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)(naphthalen-1-yl)-methanone
  • Correlated keywords
    • cannabinoids receptors WIN 55,212-2 WIN 55212-2 CB1 CB2 cannabimimetics urine urinary metabolites glucuroconjugate forensics CBs JWH073 JWH-073 cannabinoids cbs synthetic JWH 73 JWH-73 JWH73 M2 M-2 M 2 JWH-073-M2 JWH-018-M-2 JWH-073-M M3 M-3 M 3 JWH-073-M3 JWH-073-M-3 JWH-073-M M4 M-4 M 4 JWH-018-M4 JWH-073-M-4 JWH-073-M M5 M-5 M 5 JWH-073-M5 JWH-073-M-5 JWH-073-M M6 M-6 M 6 JWH-073-M6 JWH-073-M-6 JWH-073-M analytical references standards
  • Product Overview:
    JWH 073 2-hydroxyindole metabolite is a potential monohydroxylated urinary metabolite of JWH 073, a WIN 55,212-2 derivative that is a mildly selective agonist of the peripheral cannabinoid receptor.

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