Ganglioside G<sub>D1b</sub> (porcine) (sodium salt)

Ganglioside GD1b (porcine) (sodium salt)

CAT N°: 19569

213.00 181.05

Ganglioside GD1b is an acidic glycosphingolipid that contains two sialic acid residues linked to an inner galactose unit. It is a component of plasma membranes where it packs densely with cholesterol to form lipid microdomains that modulate both intra- and intercellular signaling events.{31218} The concentration of ganglioside GD1b in human brain increases with age, constituting 7.85% of total sialic acid in the brain of 0- to 10-year-old subjects and 20.29% in 11- to 30-year-old subjects.{31219} Ganglioside GD1b levels are positively correlated with pilocytic astrocytoma tumor grade, and GD1b has been detected in various other gliomas, including primitive neuroectodermal tumors, glioblastomas, and anaplastic astrocytomas.{54530} This product contains ganglioside GD1b molecular species with primarily C18:0 fatty acyl chain lengths.

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