C20 and C22 Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mixture

C20 and C22 Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mixture

CAT N°: 29336

213.00 181.05

C20 and C22 Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mixture contains six C20 and one C22 fatty acid methyl esters. It is intended for use as a reference standard for the detection of C20 and C22 fatty acids in various sample types by GC-MS. [Matreya, LLC. Catalog No. 2013]

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

  • Correlated keywords
    • FIM-FAME-9 Mixture quantitative FIMFAME9 FIM-FAME9 FIMFAME-9 FA
  • Product Overview:
    C20 and C22 Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mixture contains six C20 and one C22 fatty acid methyl esters. It is intended for use as a reference standard for the detection of C20 and C22 fatty acids in various sample types by GC-MS. [Matreya, LLC. Catalog No. 2013]

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