Biotoxis qPCR Detection Kit

Biotoxis qPCR Detection Kit

CAT N°: P05231


Biotoxis is a qPCR all-in-one detection kit that detects B. anthracis, Y. pestis and F. tularensis. These 3 pathogens are the first potential biological weapon that can cause lethal infection.| This kit is the only one on the market that detects in one reaction all 3 agents, allowing a rapid response in a context of a global bioterrorism. The kit also has a very high sensitivity. In multiplex, detection limits are 17 copies of target template for B. anthracis, 20 copies for Y. pestis and 49 copies for F. tularensis. All liquid components can be stored at +4°C for 6 months (unnecessary freeze/thawing cycle).| All primers, probes and internal controls are included in a ready to use format which makes this kit very easy to use. Biotoxis qPCR detection kit is dedicated to CBRN teams, first responders, and R&D labs that work on these 3 agents for a quick intervention in the event of a suspected biological attack. The Biotoxis kit provides a simple, reliable and rapid method for the detection in air, water, and any biological samples. Bertin’s biological air sampler Coriolis® well complete the workflow of biological warfare agents detection.

Territorial Availability: Available worldwide directly through Bertin or your local distributor

Technical Warning: Check the Additional Items Required section of this kit booklet to verify if UltraPure Water (Milli-Q or equivalent) is needed for this assay

  • Product Overview:
    Biotoxis is a qPCR all-in-one detection kit that detects B. anthracis, Y. pestis and F. tularensis. These 3 pathogens are the first potential biological weapon that can cause lethal infection.| This kit is the only one on the market that detects in one reaction all 3 agents, allowing a rapid response in a context of a global bioterrorism. The kit also has a very high sensitivity. In multiplex, detection limits are 17 copies of target template for B. anthracis, 20 copies for Y. pestis and 49 copies for F. tularensis. All liquid components can be stored at +4°C for 6 months (unnecessary freeze/thawing cycle).| All primers, probes and internal controls are included in a ready to use format which makes this kit very easy to use. Biotoxis qPCR detection kit is dedicated to CBRN teams, first responders, and R&D labs that work on these 3 agents for a quick intervention in the event of a suspected biological attack. The Biotoxis kit provides a simple, reliable and rapid method for the detection in air, water, and any biological samples. Bertin’s biological air sampler Coriolis® well complete the workflow of biological warfare agents detection.

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