11-<em>cis</em> Retinal

11-cis Retinal

CAT N°: 21377

4,061.00 3,451.85

11-cis Retinal is a chromophore that binds to opsin in the mammalian visual system as an inverse agonist forming the inactive conformation of rhodopsin.{29223} When 11-cis retinal absorbs a photon of light, it isomerizes to form all-trans retinal (Item No. 18449) beginning the phototransduction cycle, which is the basis for mammalian vision. A G121L mutation in opsin allows 11-cis retinal to bind as a partial agonist and activate rhodopsin in the absence of light.{38067} In a moth model of carotenoid deficiency-induced low visual sensitivity, 11-cis retinal application to compound eyes restored visual sensitivity almost completely.{38066}

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