15-<wbr/>keto Fluprostenol

15-keto Fluprostenol

CAT N°: 16785

92.00 78.20

Fluprostenol is an F-series prostaglandin analog which has been approved for many years as a luteolytic in veterinary animals.{1182} The isopropyl ester of fluprostenol (travoprost) was recently introduced as an ocular hypotensive drug.{8839} Oxidation of the C-15 hydroxyl group of fluprostenol produces 15-keto fluprostenol. 15-keto Fluprostenol is a potential metabolite of fluprostenol when administered to animals. 15-keto Fluprostenol is also one of the common minor impurities found in commercial preparations of the bulk drug compound. Products of ?-oxidation account for most of the metabolites of fluprostenol recovered in plasma and urine. However, 15-keto fluprostenol is a minor metabolite, and one which could be enhanced in situations where ?-oxidation is reduced.

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