Protein A/G Coated Plate Immunoprecipitation Kit

Protein A/G Coated Plate Immunoprecipitation Kit

CAT N°: 601970

691.00 587.35

Cayman’s Protein A/G Coated Plate Immunoprecipitation (IP) Kit provides a convenient method for the capture and concentration of target proteins from cell lysates, serum, and hybridoma culture media, as well as recombinant protein or recombinant antibody media, in a 96-well plate format. Following elution of the captured proteins from Protein A/G Coated 96-well strip plate, SDS-PAGE, Western blot, and mass spectrometry can be used for further analysis. This kit provides the following advantages over traditional tube- or resin-based IP methods: 1.The 96-well plate format allows for higher throughput by allowing the user to work with up to 96 samples 2.Much less time spent washing, as wells can be washed via multichannel pipette in seconds versus the minutes required for tube washes 3. No accidental transfer of resin beads between washes or during sample loading

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