

CAT N°: 20935

5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-Dioxane is an antimicrobial compound that is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, including yeast.{33085} Its mode of action occurs via the oxidation of essential protein thiols causing inhibition of enzyme activity and subsequent inhibition of microbial growth.{33085} This compound has been used as a preservative for biological molecules and solutions such as antibodies and antisera.

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

  • Synonyms
    • 5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-dioxane
  • Correlated keywords
    • m-dioxane bronidox L microcode I anti-microbial gram-positive gram-negative
  • Product Overview:
    5-bromo-5-nitro-1,3-Dioxane is an antimicrobial compound that is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, including yeast.{33085} Its mode of action occurs via the oxidation of essential protein thiols causing inhibition of enzyme activity and subsequent inhibition of microbial growth.{33085} This compound has been used as a preservative for biological molecules and solutions such as antibodies and antisera.

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