Δ<sup>2</sup>-<em>cis</em>-Hexadecenoic Acid

Δ2cis-Hexadecenoic Acid

CAT N°: 11133

From 92.00 78.20

One of the first organisms in which quorum sensing was observed were Myxobacteria, a group of gram-negative bacteria, found mainly in soil and also common to marine and freshwater systems. The cellular membranes of autotrophic bacteria contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The specific composition and abundance of membrane fatty acids can be used to identify specific genera of bacterial populations in natural environments (e.g., mining lakes, etc.). ?2-cis-Hexadecenoic acid is an unusual fatty acid unique to some Myxococcus species.{20341}

Territorial Availability: Available through Bertin Technologies only in France

  • Synonyms
    • 2Z-hexadecenoic acid
  • Correlated keywords
    • quorum sensing myxobacteria autoinducers mono-unsaturated fatty acids bacteria soil marine freshwater cellular cells membranes autotrophic myxococcus
  • Product Overview:
    One of the first organisms in which quorum sensing was observed were Myxobacteria, a group of gram-negative bacteria, found mainly in soil and also common to marine and freshwater systems. The cellular membranes of autotrophic bacteria contain mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The specific composition and abundance of membrane fatty acids can be used to identify specific genera of bacterial populations in natural environments (e.g., mining lakes, etc.). ?2-cis-Hexadecenoic acid is an unusual fatty acid unique to some Myxococcus species.{20341}

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