2-Aminopurine (hydro<wbr>chloride)

2-Aminopurine (hydrochloride)

CAT N°: 18609

From 66.00 56.10

2-Aminopurine is a fluorescent analog of guanosine and adenosine that is used as a site-specific probe of nucleic acid structure and dynamics.{30070} It base pairs with cytosine in a wobble configuration or with thymine in a Watson–Crick geometry.{30070} In addition to its usefulness in studies of base stacking interactions, 2-aminopurine has been used as a probe for DNA base flipping by methyl transferases.{30069} 2-Aminopurine exhibits an excitation/emission of 320/381 nm, respectively, when adjusted to reduce interference with DNA base absorption as well as tryptophan fluorescence.{30069} 2-Aminopurine inhibits the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase, protein kinase R, whose activity mediates antiviral defense and participates in toll-like receptor signaling.{30068}

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