(±)4(5)-DiHDPA lactone

(±)4(5)-DiHDPA lactone

CAT N°: 18344

From 139.00 118.15

(±)5(6)-DiHET lactone (Item No. 51212) is a 1,5 cyclic ester derived from (±)5(6)-DiHET (Item No. 51211), which, in turn, is a potential derivative of epoxidation of arachidonic acid (Item No. 90010) at the ?-5 double bond. (±)4(5)-DiHDPA lactone is a derivative of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; Item No. 90310) that is analogous to (±)5(6)-DiHET lactone. It is the 1,4 cyclic ester derived from (±)4(5)-DiHDPA, which is produced by epoxidation of DHA at the ?-4 double bond. Its biological activity is unknown.

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